Wednesday, August 16, 2006

What Doodle Did Last Night

Her evening began on the sofa:

It then progressed to her brand new scratching post (birthday gift from me, her waitress)

When that got old, she took a trip... you know where:

And all was right in the sink.


newbluebaby said...

Thousands of years ago, cats were worshipped as gods. Cats have never forgotten this.


Teri said...

Yep, worshipped as gods. she is a goddess, just accept it.

Elizabeth said...

a friend of mine told me about an article ("essay"?) about blogs she read in the washington post some weeks ago. one example it used of blogs explained them something like "websites wherein 14 year old girls post pictures of their cats." now i post pics of my cats every now and then too so i am not dissing. just saying...

anne altman said...

that's all this is. was someone under the impression it was something more?

Nina Paley said...

If you're trying to make us sick of Doodle by posting all these pictures of her, it's not working. She's still totally fucking goddamn cute. You'll have to post at least a few hundred more before I even consider tiring of her too-fucking-adorable visage.