- It was so white, it was pitch white. (Apprarently the thing was really white. As white as pitch is black.)
- What's that soup called, gestapo soup? (Yes, but with less tomatoes and more swastikas)
- That road has a lot of pinhead turns. (Danger!)
- Underwear Drawer Smeller Upper (Referring to lavender sachets, not dirty underwear)
- That was the needle that broke the camel's back. (Um...ok.)
She's a riot. There have been more Erinisms (that I can't seem to recall at this time) and there will be more in the future. You just can't force these things.
That tickled me red.
she is pretty damn funny. but she talks about farts, alot. and I'm not fond of bathroom humor. I'm just saying!
yeah, that's m'sis. bless her fart. err, i mean heart.
but erin doesn't do the frat boy fart discussion thing. she like theorizing on the fart more. the why and the how. you know, fartless thoughts!
ps i don't like bathroom humor, i just like how people pretend that poops and farts don't exist!
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