Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Let's Discuss Why You're Annoying

A majority of my day is spent pondering peoples' oddities and why they're fuckin' weirdos.


Valerie said...

does "yourself" ever come up in your pondering?


HI ANNE!!!!!!

newbluebaby said...

Paint chips.

A healthy suppy of paints chips circa 1971.

mellowlee said...

Or it could be their mamas took thalidamide?

nouseforaname said...

I sit there and ponder the same things- but more often than not it is when I am standing in front of the mirror.

anne altman said...

if people were all weird in the same way that i'm weird the world would be a whole lot less interesting and a whole lot less annoying.

Dale said...

but still really effing weird

Bello (Buddy) Manjaro said...

it was the Tang.

anne altman said...

oh, are we not supposed to drink Tang?

Bello (Buddy) Manjaro said...

anything THAT orange cant be good in your body. that's what the little fruit with the bendy limbs said.

newbluebaby said...


anne altman said...


i liked a powdered drink mix. i don't care if it kills me. though they're are funner ways to go i suppose..


that's a word.


Bello (Buddy) Manjaro said...

Tang. Do they still make it? It was an orange drink mix big in the sixties and seventies. For some reason associated with the space program.

anne altman said...


it was oj for space.