Thursday, July 27, 2006

To Be Or Not To Be?

My dad's people hail from a part of Pennsylvania fondly known as Pennsyltucky. Technically it's the northern PA that borders New York State, the awesome part. Pennsyltucky goes as far south as State College. A trip to "the big city" for a Pennsyltuckian is either to Buffalo or Pittsburgh. Dig?

Here's a map:

Anyway, my point: Pennsyltuckians do not use the verb "to be" because..because..well, they don't. For example, I'll use some phrases frequently used by my grandparents. Here goes:

  1. The rug needs sweeped
  2. The engine needs greased
  3. The table needs set
  4. The raspberries need picked

Try it! It'll save you hours in conversation time! No unnecessary verbs! Also, try substituting "warsh" when you say washing machine or Washington. It's fun!


Valerie said...

oh no thanks. Sounds fun but I don't wanna get my ass kicked.

Anyway, we Mexicans say wat-ching-machine already.

Lauren K said...

Now yinz talking.

newbluebaby said...

It's true. Heyna. Heyna is a Northeasten PA term. It's also cloudy there 360 days a year.

Once you leave the Philadelphia area, time stops until you get to Pittsburgh.

I've got two pickets to Titsburgh.

anne altman said...

you'll also get several speeding pickets in and around titsburg/entire pennsyltucky area. they're militant.

matt said...

i notice when i'm hanging out with my ESL friends, that i drop a lot of words too. Foreign friends are a lazy man's dream.

anne altman said...

no understand.