PC and miracle come to mind...
Shave? Definitely shave.
please to be telling the australian what the befuck a klondike bar is?somebody?anybody?
It's something Jesus would do stuff for.
like a magic invisible cloak?
...bitch slap Mel Gibson?
They don't have Klondike bars in Austrailia???
no.and we only recently got telemaphones.
my favorite new thing to ask is WWMGS?, which translates to "What Would Mel Gibson Ssy?"
Jesus would shut down all the airports in England. Give him the damn Klondike Bar already!
you know the bread and fish story in the gospels? he'd do that with klodike bars.
klondike bar: an overrated, too large square block of icecream covered in chocolate. jesus loves 'em. no way. yaweh.
He'd punch John and hug Judas. Yes, he would. You know how hot it was walking around tending to his lazy ass stupid flock?
Put on fishnets and start blowing crack heads down at the greyhound station.I didn't mean any of that. God, if your's funny 'cause it's only ice cream. Get it?
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PC and miracle come to mind...
Shave? Definitely shave.
please to be telling the australian what the befuck a klondike bar is?
It's something Jesus would do stuff for.
like a magic invisible cloak?
...bitch slap Mel Gibson?
They don't have Klondike bars in Austrailia???
and we only recently got telemaphones.
my favorite new thing to ask is WWMGS?, which translates to "What Would Mel Gibson Ssy?"
Jesus would shut down all the airports in England. Give him the damn Klondike Bar already!
you know the bread and fish story in the gospels? he'd do that with klodike bars.
klondike bar: an overrated, too large square block of icecream covered in chocolate. jesus loves 'em.
no way.
He'd punch John and hug Judas. Yes, he would. You know how hot it was walking around tending to his lazy ass stupid flock?
Put on fishnets and start blowing crack heads down at the greyhound station.
I didn't mean any of that. God, if your's funny 'cause it's only ice cream. Get it?
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