Friday, August 11, 2006

Got the Liquid Flown In Just In Time

I flew back from Buffalo on Monday night. When did the desperate and restless British Pakistani kids (and a former pothead who reformed himself with Islam) try to kill thousands of people with shit in Gatorade bottles and a spark from an MP3 player making airline travel a total fuckin' drag? Oh, yes, that's right, yesterday.

Luckily, I was able to leave Buffalo with a very important liquid in my possession.

A liquid carefully crafted in a slow process requiring plenty of patience.

A nectar so sweet, a nectar like none other.

The nectar of the trees.

A VIP nectar:

Oh, yeah!!! But substitute the State of Vermont Seal on this can for The State of New York--this sweetness was homemade by my very own Cuba Lake, New York Native, Mr. Moot. As I pulled out of town, he graciously gave me one of these large cans of syrup to stuff in my knapsack and fly back with me.

Flying without syrup is going to be a strange thing. Thanks a lot for the buzzkill, terrorists. Just because you feel you have nothing to live for but the 70 brown-eyed virgins or whatevs, and now I can't enjoy my pancakes?

I wish terrorists were Buddhists. They'd be a lot less violent, don't you think?


matt said...

Flying without a backpack is gonna be a drag too.

Teri said...

I think they should just make us have NO carry on luggage at all, even a purse! that'll show the terrorists! bastards!!!!!!!

newbluebaby said...

The buddhists would kill us with kindness.