Thursday, July 13, 2006

God Loves a Defensive Insecure Steroidal Smug Gay Bashing Dick With One Nut

But only because He has to. It's His bag.

But it ain't mine!

I assure you Lance will read this. He monitors all the blogs about himself. Hi, Lance!


whipcreamy said...

lame because brokeback jokes are so last year. but i have a little respect for lance because he is an atheist...and how can you not have respect for people who have a realistic view of life.

anne altman said...

lance doesn't believe in anything but his own reflection in his head mirror.

that's right, he has one, pointed at his own face, directly in front of his own mug, as he walks, and bikes, so he can see what lance armstrong is up to at all times and keep his eyes on the prize which of course, is himself. he'd be the first in the lifeboat, his kids still on the titanic.

Elizabeth said...

sing it, sista.

lance is so terrible there could be an entire anti-lance blog.

there's just not enough time in the day...

whipcreamy said...

wow. that's brutal. i mean, i am a roadie and i have no respect for his type, but you haaaaaaaaaaaaaate him, wouldn't wanna daaaaaaaaaaaaaate him.

is it the bracelet? bracelets lame, but is it that?

whipcreamy said...

does he really look for blogs written after him? im gonna do a blogspot search and see how many come up....i dare you all to comment on a pro lance blog....

whipcreamy said...

Thursday, July 13, 2006
Lance Armstrong is a Bionic Retard
Lance Armstrong cracked risque jokes as the first athlete to host the ESPY Awards on ESPN, then picked up his fourth consecutive male athlete of the year trophy last night.

"It wasn't rigged, I promise," he told the audience after receiving his silver trophy from Mariah tig-ol-bitties Carey. You know this is only slightly funny cause the french questioned his ass, saying he was using foreign substances... and they weren't talking about deoderant or soap either.

Comedian Will Ferrell interrupted Lance's acceptance speech to sing the 1970s song "Times of Your Life" with lyrics rewritten for Armstrong.

"You've beat the best, let's not forget every urine test," Will sang after introducing a white-suited astronaut the comic insisted was Armstrong's long-lost father, Neil Armstrong.

"Neil Armstrong is not my dad and I don't even think that's Neil Armstrong," the cyclist said.

"Well said," Ferrell replied before plowing on with the musical parody.



posted by dino at Thursday, July 13, 2006

anne altman said...

if i could get you the clip i saw of him and his ex flame sheryl crow on 60 minutes or whatever nighttime newsmagazine show it was you'd back over your roadbike with your car and never ride again.

Peter said...

A freind of mine works for ESPN and sometimes gets to hob nob with famous athletes. He told me a story about Lance nearly causing a scene when somebody unimportant picked up his beer by accident.

A story like that has to be true.

anne altman said...

aw, peter, stories like that make me smile. thanks for your contribution to this association. the lance armstrong haters association.

Elizabeth said...

lance dumped his wife for a rockstar when he got famous.

lance is a pretty boy, pretending to like the outdoors because he knows how to bike.

lance is a diva.

lance took stereroids, told his best friends, stopped being friends with them when he got famous (it's a pattern) and now talks smack against them because they are testifying about his drug use.

you use, you lose, lance. own up. people will just stop wearing those god awful bracelets but you;ll still be rich and famous.

anne altman said...

ps Hi, Lance!

Peter said...

Anything I can do to help Anne :)

And by the way, Mr. Armstrong, if you're reading this, please note that I have NOT, nor would I EVER, personally aim any criticism at you or your lovely family. You are a national treasure Lance! They made me Lance! I am a good person!! LIVESTRONG!! LIVESTRONG FOREVER!!

Elizabeth said...

peter wears the bracelet.