Monday, July 17, 2006

Three Reasons Why This Humid Weather Is Fantastic!

  1. _______
  2. _______
  3. _______

I've got nothing.


whipcreamy said...

that's how i felt yesterday...that you could fry an egg....but i saw someone do that on tv and it really does not work. bummer...atleast there would be one good thing about the humidity.

newbluebaby said...

You can get your eggs fried quicker than waiting for a seat at a Denny's in Harlem.

Valerie said...

and the torture to your hair! Oh yikes!

anne altman said...

but denny's caters to my kind no matter what the locale. i'd be fine. it's you they won't serve. babies. handicapped babies.

Peter said...

1. You can cook an egg in a decomposing frying pan with no handle, atop a giant pile of fossilized brontosaurus shit.

2. You can lick envelopes with your ass crack.

3. Soggy pigeons.