Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Computer Crash Day

My posting is down for a few reasons, the number one reason being:
My piece of shit home computer crashed again. Things like this happen to me. I find situations like this highly annoying. I am not a patient person when it comes to electronics. I get the urge to throw things like broken electronics out of other things like open windows.

Can anyone translate this error message for me?
{windows root}/system32/ntoskrnl.exe
I have a feeling it means
{you're fucked}/kill yourself/haha.exe
but I can't be sure.


Teri said...

i think that's exactly what it means, stupid computers.

Chris Battle said...

I think it means buy a Mac, sucker.

anne altman said...

i think it means 'buy me a mac, sucker.'

Teri said...

I need to get to the bottom of this PC vs. Mac issue. why don't Mac's crash as much as PCs. does anyone have this answer?

whipcreamy said...

cuz macs are not politically correct.

Unknown said...

Macs dont crash because the machine language is different than windows PC's. Mac uses a machine language called Darwin, and Windows PC's use MS-DOS.
Therefor, a Mac handles and utilizes system resources and memory in a far superior way than Windows PC's do.

I payed $1299 for my G5. you cant get HALF the machine in a PC for that price.

Teri said...

i think you sold me irocket. maybe we can start a pool for us non mac users to get macs. anne would be first to get one though.

Sans Pantaloons said...

Assuming your OS is XP;
This article is excellent:
and there is also mention at:

If you feel that this is too much like work, you could always show a leg to that nerdy guy at work who looks like Bill Gates...

Violet said...

I'm still impressed you can post so much every day - with or without computer problems.