Monday, July 31, 2006
Why Am I So Psyched?
I don't feel sorry for you because you're an alcoholic Mel, I feel sorry for your wife and kids. You're not sorry that you did it, you're an entitled asshole who's sorry he got caught--and caught in the worst way you can imagine for an anti-semitic, hypocritical, mysogonistic, filthy rich ,egomaniac type of a-hole--in the pocketbook --and you won't be able to buy another island for awhile.
No doubt all that money and fame will twist a person, but one of your only responsibilities when you hit it big is to keep your perspective and follow the rules to the best of your ability. I mean, you're not doing your own laundry or picking up your own drycleaning anymore at that point, it doesn't seem like a lot to ask.
All I know is that if I can't drive up and down the Pacific Coast Highway in my Lexus, drinking tequila and screaming about the Jews all night and not get arrested, than you can't either, Mel. It seems to me you're an a-hole deep down, though--that "I own Malibu" line? Of course, then again, Lizzie Grubman called a Hamptons bouncer a piece of white trash, and 9/11 saved her ass by getting her face off of the front pages every day. These days she's back to the Hamptons skankin' it up like it never happened.
Anyway, Mel, I hope this scandal sucks bank and reputation away and that your wife leaves you, ties her tubes, and spends the rest of her days enjoying sex with a nice Jew.
The end.
What Else Is Happening?
It's your cawl, Joanne. I want my fifty bucks.
I Want Candy
Have I Told You Lately How Much I Love Oscar Wilde?

Oscar Wilde is another one of my dead bestest friends whom I've never met. Do yourself a favor and get to know him if you don't. I read this biography a few summers ago, and even though it weighs 52 pounds, I couldn't put it down. Don't have time for book learnin'? Here's my quick synopsis of his life in three sentences: Oscar Wilde was a brilliant, talented, and funny Dublin-born man who was larger than life and ahead of his time. A-holes were intimidated by his genius so he was arrested for the crime of being gay and sentenced to two years hard labor in prison. He died three years after he got out, at the untimely age of 54, from an ear infection exacerbated in prison; thanks a lot, a-holes.
- A true friend stabs you in the front.
- Selfishness is not living as one wishes to live, it is asking others to live as one wishes to live.
- Seriousness is the only refuge of the shallow.
- She wore far too much rouge last night and not quite enough clothes. That is always a sign of despair in a woman.
- Some cause happiness wherever they go; others whenever they go.
- The moment you think you understand a great work of art, it's dead for you.
- The public is wonderfully tolerant. It forgives everything except genius.
- There is no sin except stupidity.
- To lose one parent may be regarded as a misfortune; to lose both looks like carelessness.
- Only the shallow know themselves.
And finally, Oscar was hilarious even when he lay dying in a Paris hotel room:
"Either this wallpaper goes, or I do."
Chopped Off
Disappointed! Annoyed! Whatevs!
Hers & Hers Personal Cooling Systems

Is this thing gay? You bet your ass it is! Whatevs. What's that, oh you can't stop laughing because I went to Sharper Image to buy myself and Doodle a few Personal Cooling Systems?
Still laughing? Please, like Doodle and I care. Be our guest--you'll work up a sweat laughing whilst we're cooling away the hours with these bad boys on our necks. Bad boys which, I might add, contain a patented, miniature evaporative-cooling system that our entire bodies enjoy for up to four hours of relief? HAHAHAHAHAHA Suck it.
All Of My Loving
Anyway, my man Dave Hill is totally talented at everything he does, but especially singing falsetto-type backup and just generally jamming his ass off on guitar in his sweet band, Valley Lodge. If you hit me at myspace, their inf*cktious song, "All Of My Loving" starts playing immediately. And it's good. And by the end of the day, after you've been humming it for hours, you'll say, "Wow, Anne, you know some talented people. Why aren't they on the O.C. yet?" And I'll say, "Beats me. Hey, you have something in your teeth."
The Voice Of Bang
I guess he told everyone else too, and not just me, but I felt like he was speaking to me. Maybe during that interruption in lighting is when I meet him in the stairwell?
I'm suspicious. Look at the almost continuity of it all. Plus, 6 fuckers won. That's right. I'm not accusing anyone of anything, I'm just saying that...
Well, I'm just saying that if I knew that a combination like that would win, then you know, I would have picked it, is all.
So, I'm going to sulk here for awhile if you don't mind. The good news is that nobody won the Mega Millions, but it just doesn't seem like good news right now. I need a little time to get my head around this loss.
With Friends Like These
Will advise.
Monday, Monday
Sunday, July 30, 2006
Another Way Doodle Beats the Heat
Bad Breath. Alizer.
Anyone hungover?
Anyone have to spend the night in the clink like this guy?
What, he only had two beers!
Get the aspirin.
Saturday, July 29, 2006
Come On Baby, Come On Over
What was I saying?
I forgot what I was saying.
Is it hot in here?
Way to go, Sara and Lang on this bizarre pants pisser. I expected nothing less!
Sweating Your Balls Off?

Of course you are!
I'm too frail for this heat. My hands are up, I'm totally admitting defeat:
Do I have a problem with looking like shit? No. I like camping, I use a hair dryer sparingly in the dead of winter only, I go out "without my face on" on a daily basis. But I can't deal with feeling like shit. If it's cold out, you can always bundle up, wear more layers, run around and get the heart pumping to create some heat. When it's hot like this, and you're wearing nothing or next to nothing, the only thing that could possibly make you cooler would be to remove your skin, muscle tissue and fat so you get down to the skeleton. And apparently this causes death. Or so I'm told.
In short: THIS BITES. Especially so, because the heat will only continue to rise considering that the earth is on fire and the end is near. I'll be checking out on the early side. Too bad I'm going to leave this world for a hotter one. What do they call that place again? I can't remember the name, but it's a terribly hot place where they play Hootie & the Blowfish 24/7---> Eternity and the only thing to do for fun is punch George W. Bush repeatedy in the face. That should pass some time; I can't see that ever getting old.
See? Positive spin.
Tee Many Martoonies
After three I'm under the table, after four I'm under my host.
~ Dorothy Parker
Thankfully, only three were consumed.
Passion of the "Christ, My Life Is Fucked!"

Oh, that's right, you can't do any of these things because you were arrested for drunk driving tonight, got belligerent, sassed some cops, slighted the Jews, and it's all on tape.
Fucked indeed, I hope.
Oh, and I never saw Braveheart either, Mel, so suck it.
Read all about the Mel Gibson "My life is fucked" incident here, and love every minute of it. I know I did.
Friday, July 28, 2006
You Love the 80's
(Remember after their show at Rockitz when I gave them a ride to their hotel in my mom's Chrysler because their limo broke down & then I ate pizza in their room with that dude with the hair?!?!?!?)
Phone Phun
So, I gave him the office number.
One second later the phone rang. I picked up with a:
"What's up, ASSWIPE?"
And I heard in response:
"Why am I an asswipe?"
It wasn't Jim.
Luckily for me, it was a fellow temp. But it sooooooo soooooooo soooooooo could have easily been my last day today.
Admittedly, it would have been a funny way to go. I'd be giggling as I packed up my office.
Ha! What's up, asswipe indeed!
Happy Places
I need to get me some cash. Then I promise I'll spread it around to those less fortunate.
Unlike some other people I'm familiar with who don't.
Today's Friday, and you know what that means: Two Tickets for Lotto, Please!
Ebony and Ivory
You realize that they weren't walking together at all.
Ah, well.
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Who Doesn't Love Mosquitoes?

Mosquitoes are great! Man, I love me a mosquito. Can't think of one reason why I don't like them. It's all love when it comes to the lil' fellas. Or should I say, ladies. Sure, they killed a bunch of people in Philly in 1793, but whatevs. Talk to the hand. (I'm bringing that phrase back it was so damn good) Or, talk the bats. Bats also love mosquitoes. Or is it mojitos they like? Tough to say, they're both awesome.
If You Hate the Administration Like I Hate the Administration
It soothes me. I guess things are just that bad in the world.
I Saw You Giving Me the Gut Glance, Bitch
Anyway, so this broad is on her cell phone and is blabbing away walking toward me and she looks at me. Not at my face, but at my gut. My abdomen, if you will, and then she looks at her own and adjusts some shit slightly. Now this all happened very fast but if you're a woman you know exactly what the Up Down is (that's when a broad checks you out quite obviously from head to toe to head again --or--toe to head to toe. Then quickly averts the eyes, taking mental note of it all) but this was a variation on the Up Down as it was just a Gut Glance.
What is the Gut Glance, the term I just created, you ask? It's when some broad checks out your gut and then adjusts her own, meaning only one thing: I have a fat gut and she wants to make sure that hers doesn't look like whatever mine looked like.
Is she saying I'm fat? Only I can say that I'm fat!
I"ll cut that bitch!
I did mention I was wearing all white, correct?
You Can Recline Like a Celebrity

Look how much fun this couple is having. They are literally floating on air it's so comfortable. He's not even sitting in the motion recliner, but it's so infectiously comfortable that he's getting a contact high just by touching the back of it. And the funnies they're reading? Even funnier, because they're being read whilst reclining in a Celebrity Motion Recliner.
Don't be a nobody, ayite? Get yourself a damn chair.
Pitch In
Attention Men:

When you find yourself in a pair of these.
At this juncture it's more than likely you're also pulling your pants up to your tits and have acquired that old man smell. Might want to look into some ear hair clippers soon. Like, yesterday. Thanks.
PS: Please note, black size 8 medium width is sold out, as is the brown medium and wide widths in size 13. Sorry. Snooze=lose.
Men's Wrangler® Hero® Lace-Up Shoes
Superbly crafted in soft, rich pebble-grain leather, these classic lace-up shoes from Wrangler® Hero® are designed for total comfort. They feature padded collars, cushioned insoles, nylon-foam linings and sure-grip flexible soles. Available in black or brown. Men's whole and half sizes 8-10 1/2, 11, 12, 13; medium or wide widths.
Item 69823 SALE! $19.99.... $12.99
Choose color & size:
Color BLK Size 08 M (Sold Out)
Color BRN Size 13 M (Sold Out)
Color BRN Size 13 W (Sold Out)
What's Better?
Answer: Nothing!
Too slow, people! Beat you to the punch.
Baby Toe Update

To Be Or Not To Be?
Here's a map:
Anyway, my point: Pennsyltuckians do not use the verb "to be" because..because..well, they don't. For example, I'll use some phrases frequently used by my grandparents. Here goes:
- The rug needs sweeped
- The engine needs greased
- The table needs set
- The raspberries need picked
Try it! It'll save you hours in conversation time! No unnecessary verbs! Also, try substituting "warsh" when you say washing machine or Washington. It's fun!
Popular Searches
Thanks a Lot, Rain
Last time I had the roof deck party, there was a storm, and someone ate some lightning. Here's a photo: (follow the lightning to see my apartment roof deck)

So embarrassing as a host! Never again.
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Joanne, Do the Right Thing
Sorry, people, I'm still dumbfounded by this. I love how he starts each message, "Hi Joanne, it's Darren cawlling..." like that's necessary after fifty friggin' messages.
Darren L. Sherman. Seriously unbelievable tool. The guy is the CEO of a company supposedly. Come on, Darren, don't they teach you in business school that you gotta spend money to make money you cheap fuckin' bastard?
Good grief, do I hate cheap.
Arrogance, rudeness, cheapness. My top three least favorite characteristics in a person, I think. Oh, and cruelty. I'm not a fan of cruelty. That's probably number one. But cheap is second.
Let's Discuss Why You're Annoying
You Can Tell a Lot About a Person

Once when my sister and I were walking down the street we saw a banana peel on the sidewalk. Without discussing it first, we simultaneously threw our legs out and did a fake slip/fall combined with a "WWWHHOOOOAAAAAA!"
I happen to think that people can be broken down into two types:
1) The person who sees a banana peel on the sidewalk and does the "WHHOOOOOAAAAA!"
2) The person who sees the banana peel on the sidewalk and keeps walking
What a Great Gift Idea!
If an apple a day keeps the doctor away, this set of 8 characters will keep you feeling well for a long time. Add personality to the kitchen counter or window sill. Hand-painted polyresin with dangling legs and posable arms. Each approx. 4 3/4"H.
Price: $14.99
Availability: In Stock.
You mean I can get a set of crap (with dangling legs and posable arms) to dust and clutter up my kitchen for only $14.99? Surely I've died and gone to heaven? If not, I hope there are hand-painted polyresin characters with dangling legs and posable arms waiting for me when I get there.
It's Summer and That Means:

So that in turn means:
Now's the time to stock up while the values last!
Hi-C Blast Drinks 4 for $6 Must buy 6
Tuttorosso Tomatoes 12 for $5.99 Must buy 12
Starkist Solid White Tuna 6 oz. 3 for $2 Must buy 2
Friskies Cat Food 24 for $6.99 Must buy 24
Literally beside myself. Hi, Anne, what are you doing on that side of me? Oh, nothing, just hanging out beside you. Oh, ok.
It's yuah cawl. Do the right thing. It's yuah cawl. Mail me the fifty dowlahs you owe me.
Holy shit!!!
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
"Aren't you a little embarrassed about being pregnant, because everyone knows you like, did it."
"You're weird."
"Whatevs. Everyone knows you did it."
Our Office Cafeteria Has Everything But a Booger Bar
- Ice Cream bar
- Hot Dog bar
- Salad bar
- Pasta bar
Oh, and a real bar, of course. By real, I mean booze, obviously.
#5096 Why I Could Never Be a Doctor
I cut my foot opening the hallway door this afternoon. Came close to taking the pinky off (who needs it anyway?). I was in the middle of conversation with someone so that stifled the profanities I would have shouted had I been alone. Anyway, I learned a few things.
- Closed toe shoes help when you do something fucking stupid like open a door on your foot. And here I was ragging on a twat I saw this morning with slouchy black boots.
- Don't open a door without first looking down on your feet
- My own cut is so gross I almost barf just looking at it through the bandaid so "Be a doctor" is off the "What Should I Do When I Grow Up" list once again.
Tales From a Restaurant #1
My dad saw "Homemade Apple Pie" on the menu. The man cannot resist homemade apple pie. But being that we were at the Ground Round, he was understandably suspicious.
"The apple pie is homemade?" he asked.
"Uh huh," she replied.
"It's not Table Talk."
When the pie arrived, it had that perfect machine-made lattice-top crust. It was a perfect triangle slice. My father eyeballed it with a sigh. The man was pissed. I was scared for the waitress. Very scared. He summoned her.
"This is Table Talk."
"No, it isn't."
"You're telling me this isn't Table Talk."
"Look at this pie. You're telling me this is homemade?"
"Well, it was made in somebody's home."
Some Great Advice For Christie Brinkley
I know this is a tough time for you right now, with your 4th husband fooling around on you and whatnot. He wants to reconcile, but you know it's quite possibly over. You know what this means: It's time that pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and get married again. Nothing takes the sting out of a failed relationship than another failed relationship! Go for it! What have you got to lose?
P.S. You're wicked good at weddings (especially the one on the ski slopes, remember that one?)
What Is the Best Fruit In the World?
Monday, July 24, 2006
Anne's Thoughts On: My Laminating Machine
Why? Well, honestly, when was the last time I used you? When was the last time I laminated something, anything? I know, I know, what if I need to laminate something and I already tossed you? 'Tis a pickle. A tormenting pickle. A pickle that torments. I'm eating a pretzel right now, should I laminate that?
This Is My 700th Post
And so is this, my 700th post. Congratulations, me!
Oh, me, you shouldn't have!
Well, someone had to.
Yeah, you're right. Yay me!
And you!
Office Space By Bunnies
Oh, Oprah

"When I was 22 years old and working as a TV anchor in Baltimore, there was a young production assistant in the newsroom, Gayle King. One night there was a snowstorm and she couldn't get home. I said, 'Hey, you can spend the night at my house.' She said, 'I don't have any panties.' I said, 'Well, I do. I have clean panties, and once I give 'em to you, you don't have to give 'em back.'"
- Oprah Winfrey
Oh, Oprah. 4 things:
- I think you're great.
- I think your friend Gayle has teeth made for radio.
- I think despite rumors you're not lesbians with each other.
- Why did you have to go and use the p word? And twice?
Good Grief.
If You Throw a Piece Of Cheese In Your Back Yard Something Will Eat It
The next day, the chicken was gone, but the black olives and artichokes remained. Racoons aren't so keen on black olives and artichokes, apparently, and I went on believing this and everyone I told the story to went on believing this.
But the next day, olives and artichokes were gone.
Gotta love recycling.
Bye Bye, Bags
Though I did feel sad to donate Bear. He was looking at me through the clear plastic bag like, "I got you through the tough times. This is where I end up?" Now I say he was looking at me that way, but he and I both know that he was given to me in college and and kept in spectacular condition so as to be adoptable. It's going to take almost every fiber of my being not to swing by Goodwill and see how long it takes before he's snatched up. Oh, I hope it's not long!
I know, I'm sick. It's not like he was having fun in that plastic bag in the storage unit.
Hilary Swank is on the cover of Vanity Fair. She bugs me.
Saturday, July 22, 2006
Battle of the Species
Cat vs. Puppy : The worst part about this flick is the pets' owner
Please Tell Me He Doesn't Belong To Us
I poached this photo from the Official Site of Grant Miller. Though I needed to see it, something inside me wishes I never did.
He Wasn't GoingTo Sit There and Listen To This
I don't care what anybody says about John Cougar, John Cougar Mellencamp, or John Mellencamp,I love him. I always have.
Just ask Jack and Diane.
Friday, July 21, 2006
My Pet Fish Was a Crappy Soccer Player
What? It was an accident.
Maybe you'll have better luck. Learn him something at Fish School.
I Love This Guy
Blood Drive Today
A Little Vermont For Lunch
War on "Terror"
Since nobody gives a shit about Bin Laden, can we finally get this terrorist behind bars? Bitch is easy to catch, she's all over the place. Talk about terrifying. I suspect she's got a forked snake tongue.
Elephant Dreams
I can still remember all the junk he had on his kitchen table.
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Um, Hello, I Thought This Was a Free Country
Seriously, where's the crime?
I'm serious.
Wicked Fun Blog Quiz
Huey Lewis totally cancelled on me for Game Night at Anne's. He said the News would swing by, but they never showed either. Rude, right? I know. Lame. Pretty pathetic considering it isn't news that they weren't even the news when they were the News. Pretty shitty way to treat such a generous hostess such as myself, one who invites celebrities into my home on a regular basis to play board games, but what can I say other than they just weren't raised right. Right? I'm putting the Port Wine Cheese and the grapes back into the refrigerator. In Game Night at Anne's stead, I've created little game to involve you, my loyal readers. It's a wicked fun blog quiz I'd like to call, Wicked Fun Blog Quiz.
Your instructions are to first read the blog, learn as much as you can, and then resume reading this post. Remember, I understand that this is a wicked fun blog quiz, but take it seriously, as there'll be a quiz. Slacker.
Read This Blog Now.
. Almost done?
.How about now?
Time's up.
Here goes.
Train A, traveling 70 miles per hour (mph), leaves Westford heading toward Eastford, 260 miles away. At the same time Train B, traveling 60 mph, leaves Eastford heading toward Westford. How many times does this woman need to be punched in the face?
Answer will be revealed at close of business tomorrow. Good luck!
Humor? Not really.
HAHAHHAHA! Wigfall! Absurd! The only thing that could possibly make that name funnier would be if his name was Harry. Harry Wigfall.
What's wrong, Wigfall? What'd your wigfall?
Ha. Ahem. Ok, maybe not funny, but the funniest thing that's happened to me in the last couple of hours. Right, styrofoam cup?
Right, Anne!
Thanks, styrofoam cup. It's good to know you're keeping me company here now that everyone's gone home.
Heh, heh. Wigfall.
What Kind Of Ice Cream Did Grama Altman Have in the Freezer?
Oh, Gram. She's not around anymore, but I'm going to visit the old stomping grounds in a few weeks, so I've got her on my mind. Olean (home of the Altman stronghold and...and....well, St. Bonaventure University is there) here I come! There will be beef, beer and me, the queer...
so get used to it.
There's the Rub
This can be made in advance: salt, sugar, black pepper, thyme, ancho chiles and rosemary. Grind it up in a coffee grinder. Rub it on the meat to be grilled four hours in advance, and the seasoning and tenderizing effect is amazing; it acts almost like curing. That, and remember why your grill comes with a lid--to get the smoke effect and let you cook things slower.
Owner of a Lonely Heart
ELO Fun Fact

ELO did not record the song "Love is Like Oxygen" like you thought. That song is by the band The Sweet.
So, the next time you're humming it and lovin' it like you do, keep that mind so that the props are properly appropriated.
I do realize that this post is by me for me, but whatevs, you learned something didn't you? Ok, maybe you learned that I'm old, but whatevs x 2. I'm proud. Or is it loud? Whatevs x 3.
"Let" Her Cry?
I need to excuse myself.
Excuse me.
A Couple of Post Lunch Observations About Myself
- I chose a little of the three bean salad.
- I chose the tomato soup.
- I took a few bites/sips of each and put them into the refrigerator to live with all the other lunches I've tossed in there to die since Monday.
- I have a little garlic breath.
- The three bean isn't as good as my Grama Altman's
- Because of 1, 2, and 3, I am becoming my grandmother*.
*When I was in college and she was in her eighties and stubbornly still living alone at home, she'd ask me what I wanted for dinner as she struggled to open the refrigerator door. Inside there'd be a tiny crumpled up piece of tin foil with what looked like half a sole of a leather shoe in it. "Well, we could have this."
When y'all come over to my place in 50 years, that's what's for dinner.
Love Me, Love My Pirate Bikini
This link about the town in which I was raised might explain a little about my salty personality, pirate blood and love for the sea. Arrrrggggh.
My Good Deed For Yesterday
Phong is an Asian elephant who was rescued as a baby from the streets of Bangkok and now lives in Northern Thailand at the Thai Elephant Conservatory. He began painting a few years ago at the Lampang Elephant Art Academy. He's also an accomplished xylophonist! Hello? Xylophonist! PHONG RULES! I purchased one of his paintings yesterday called "Blue Fields" here and it's gorgeous. Proceeds go to the Conservatory. They need all the help they can get to save more of these beautiful, amazing animals from poachers and their rapidly disappearing natural habitats. People suck, people. Good grief, do I hate people. But I love people who save elephants because I love elephants.

It's so cool! Then it shows you elephants taking dumps and how they make the paper. See art for sale at wonderful prices the gallery here. Proceeds support the elephants themselves and also to children to educate them and build awareness.
Reason #739 Why I Could Never Be a Doctor
As disgusting as it was, I must say it was a friendlier sight than the two twats already on the elevator when I got on at 7. I've got a lot of bitchy broads in my building who make you feel like an asshole for acknowledging them with a hello. So, I quit years ago. Sometimes I do it just to fuck with them. But not in the morning. I'm not a morning person.
One of the women standing behind me must have known Mr. Bandage Face.
She: What happened?
He: Oh, I had a blocked tear duct.
Now I'm choking back a little puke...blocked tear duct? How does it get blocked and blocked with what? Bleeechhhhhh!
She: Oh.
He: Yeah, the doctor tried to free it up a little bit...
Now I might not be able to choke it it up a little bit? Good god.
She: Well, feel better.
He: Thanks.
What about me? ? ?
I Told You He Was a Bug-Eyed Jug-Headed Idiot
Things To Do Before You Die #2
And I believe him.
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
I Didn't Need To See That
Game Night at Anne's With Paris Hilton
Something to Celebrate
I'm Not a Hypocrite All the Time
Pop Goes the Button
I'm going with cheap dress*.
*It is in fact, quite cheap. Cheap in a bad way, but whatevs, the people seem to like it. I bought it because it was the next best thing to naked in this heat. Now if only it can remain in tact the rest of the day...
Let's Talk Nerf
I'm lying at the end of the dock, just having snapped a picture of the fake Nerf flying mid-air as the nerf was tossed back and forth in the water.
What we learned:
- Nerfs (or at least fake Nerfs) aren't waterproof. They get soggy and heavy and pieces start to fall out of their spongy constitution.
- It's fun while it lasts.
Nerf was most likely created as an answer to the dangerous toys from the 70s like Jarts. Part of the fun of Jarts in addition to managing to get the lawn dart to land inside the ring, was the risk that it would land in one's thigh, or better yet, someone else's thigh. That is, of course, if you didn't consider a trip to the emergency room a buzzkill on a family reunion.

But, Nerf still does spell summer.
You can get a decent spiral going with a Nerf, but not as good as a traditional football I find (a smaller version of a traditional football, for smaller meathooks like mine). Nonetheless, the Nerf brings back memories. Nerf was there when I had my first crush on a boy. Nerf was there when I drank my first beer. Nerf was there when I was arrested for the first time. And in the big house? Nerf was there.
Now kids are obese and don't know what a Nerf is. Makes me wonder if they're admitted to the emergency room these days because they think it's edible.
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
The End is Near
Anneurysm #1
You don't have to look your personal best provided Susan shows up; she always looks more like shit than you do.
That's Not Cool
Lame. But it hasn't been too bad. Hour two has approached, and still seems relatively cool...
His and Hers Celebrity Outfits For Sale
I'm So Fetus
Me? I'm textbook Fetus, with a dash of The Yearner.
To see a diagrams of the six positions studied by Professor Idzikowski
click here.
The Foetus (41%): Those who curl up in the foetus position are described as tough on the outside but sensitive at heart. They may be shy when they first meet somebody, but soon relax. This is the most common sleeping position, adopted by 41% of the 1,000 people who took part in the survey. More than twice as many women as men tend to adopt this position.
Log (15%): Lying on your side with both arms down by your side. These sleepers are easy going, social people who like being part of the in-crowd, and who are trusting of strangers. However, they may be gullible.
The Yearner (13%): People who sleep on their side with both arms out in front are said to have an open nature, but can be suspicious, cynical. They are slow to make up their minds, but once they have taken a decision, they are unlikely ever to change it.
Soldier (8%): Lying on your back with both arms pinned to your sides. People who sleep in this position are generally quiet and reserved. They don't like a fuss, but set themselves and others high standards.
Freefall (7%): Lying on your front with your hands around the pillow, and your head turned to one side. Often gregarious and brash people, but can be nervy and thin-skinned underneath, and don't like criticism, or extreme situations.
Starfish (5%): Lying on your back with both arms up around the pillow. These sleepers make good friends because they are always ready to listen to others, and offer help when needed. They generally don't like to be the centre of attention.
The remainder of those in the poll said the position they fell asleep varied or did not know.
I've Got To Stop Working Out So Little
- Surprise (regarding my super human strength)
- Fear (that I'd be locked inside)
- Relief (when I realized I could use the handle as a tool to open the door)
- Pride (regarding my super-human strength)
- Resignation (that I had to go back to my desk)
The mind and body are fascinating, no?
Love What?
You love her
But she loves him
And he loves somebody else
You just can't win
And so it goes
Till the day you die
This thing they call love
It's gonna make you cry
I've had the blues
The reds and the pinks
One thing for sure
(Love stinks)
Love stinks yeah yeah
(Love stinks)
Love stinks yeah yeah
(Love stinks)
Love stinks yeah yeah
(Love stinks)
Love stinks yeah yeah
Two by two and side by side
Love's gonna find you yes it is
You just can't hide
You'll hear it call
Your heart will fall
Then love will fly
It's gonna soar
I don't care for any casanova thing
All I can say is
Love stinks
(Love stinks)
Love stinks yeah yeah
(Love stinks)
Love stinks yeah yeah
(Love stinks)
Love stinks yeah yeah
(Love stinks)
Love stinks yeah yeah
I've been through diamonds
I've been through minks
I've been through it all
Love stinks
(Love stinks)
Love stinks yeah yeah
(Love stinks)
Love stinks yeah yeah
(Love stinks)
Love stinks yeah yeah
(Love stinks)
Love stinks yeah yeah
Monday, July 17, 2006
Nice Box
And when I arrived, the air conditioner was blasting, the food and booze were out, I got a seat in the front row, and the game (and several television sets) was just about to start.
Though to be completely honest with you, it could have been a tiny bit colder, and I'm not one to complain about that kind of stuff, but I'm just saying.
Anyway, the Yanks beat the Mariners, but the Sox beat the Royals, so nah nah nah nah nah nahhhh. We're still a half game ahead, and I got to get out of my sweltering apartment for the evening. Lord knows I can't afford to crank the AC like the stadium did.
Or should have, rather. The Yanks have the biggest payroll in all the land. They couldn't have helped a sister out? Why is the coldest place I can get is the lobby of my office building? I'm only there twice a day, and that's when I least likely have time (or want) to hang around in there and enjoy it. Life = not fair.
The point of this story: Once in a great while, people like me and give me stuff and I take it.
Anne's Plan To Beat the Summer Heat
Wooo hooo! I'm cooling off already. I'm not even wearing any blue today. Fantastic. I'm wearing a snappy dress, it's black. The color of my heart.
Song In My Head at the Moment
Im takin flight I said Ill never get enough
Stand tall Im young and kinda proud
Im on top as long as the musics loud
If you think Ill sit around as the world goes by
Youre thinkin like a fool cause its a case of do or die
Out there is a fortune waitin to be had
You think Ill let it go youre mad
Youve got another thing comin
Thats right heres where the talkin ends
Well listen this night therell be some action spent
Drive hard Im callin all the shots
I got an ace card comin down on the rocks
If you think Ill sit around while you chip away my brain
Listen I aint foolin and youd better think again
Out there is a fortune waitin to be had
You think Ill let it go youre mad
You got another thing comin
In this world were livin in we have our share of sorrow
Answer now is dont give in aim for a new tomorrow
Oh so hot no time to take a rest yeah
Act tough aint room for second best
Real strong got me some security
Hey Im a big smash Im goin for infinity yeah
If you think Ill sit around as the world goes by
Youre thinkin like a fool cause its a case of do or die
Out there is a fortune waitin to be had
You think Ill let it go youre mad
Youve got another thing comin
-Judas Priest (duh)
Ah the good old days. I want to go back. Ok, they weren't really good then, but there was hope for good things in the future, a fortune waiting to be had!
Where the hell's my fortune?
Forgive Me, I'm a Little Sick
Some highlights from the Bastille Day Party at Mr and Mrs. YouWeren'tInvited's house:
Dressed to ill.
This seat is saved for an old bag.
The wealthy can't keep their balls out of the pool (yet the French don't do it enough)
I Feel So Good If I Just Say the Word
No I don't. That shit doesn't work. Screw you, Phil Collins.
Let's Put Our Heads In the Sand Awhile, Shall We?
Your link to society! How clever! What they're saying is, The only way you'll penetrate this society is via computer to look at pictures of us, society people, who are better than you! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Get it? oh we society folk are so funny! HAHAHAHAHAHA Ouch, oh, dear, I think my face ripped.
Ok. There are so many party pictures this time of year, so many benefits in the city and in the Hamptons, it's so hard to choose.
Here's a nice appetizer:

What's funnier, are the three pissed off wicked step sisters in the background, the ones passed over for the photo opp. Debutante on the far left is having another bad day, just having been berated that morning by Mummy for being a fatso. Chick in the red and white on the right is pretty happy to have made it so close to the camera, that she's going to put on a smile just in case she makes it into the frame. Lucky bitch. But who is peering out above her right shoulder? Or should I say, sneering out? Seconds after this photo was taken, Ms. Sneer ripped the hair right out of someone's head and had to be dragged out screaming.
For the main course, we're having:

That's right, sausage legs! Flanked with split ends in assorted colors.
Make sure to stick around for dessert, ok?
Bush on Global Warming
Will Ferrell - Bush on Global Warming on Transbuddha