Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Elephants are Wicked Amazing

Doodle may be smart as a whip, but she doesn't recognize her reflection in the mirror. If she runs by one, and it catches her by surprise, sometimes she'll do that "Sideways Puffed Out Halloween Cat" thing, but she never believes it is her. She looks beyond it. I'd say unphased is a good description of how she reacts.

But elephants, elephants are amazing. Not only do they recognize their own reflections, but they can paint SELF PORTRAITS! All these years being butchered for their ivory and abused in the circus, well, to be intelligent and aware is a terrifying burden. Just ask me. Or, a pig, a future bacon strip. They know that single-file line to the slaughter house is a one-way trip. That's why they run in the other direction. Ahhh, to be as dim as a sheep. Ignorance is bliss indeed...


anne altman said...

i recognize my reflection in the mirror too. boo.

Bumpkyn said...

How do you know if it's their reflection they are painting or just the memory of another elephant? Both are impressive but the mirror thing is a little 'OTT'

I'm going with he painted his mom or brother, don't they all look alike anyway?

anne altman said...


Bumpkyn said...