Thursday, October 26, 2006

Thank You, Producer of Special Victims Unit!

That very same friend who sent me the article on bed bugs also sent me another informative and more uplifting piece of news. Yay! Screw you, Elisabeth Hasselbeck! I don't know how Rosie can restrain herself from strangling her.


newbluebaby said...

Law & Order: SVU is now offically my favorite show.

whipcreamy said...

i think law and order is at fault because they got the story line wrong. she should have gotten raped, left for dead, but then she should have lived. the rapist should have been a gay black man who got her preggers with twins. then they should make her apply for an abortion, but it would be outlawed and she would give birth to two retarded, gay, black babies.

anne altman said...

oh, whip. you're so sweet. who raised you?

Mel said...

Hahaha!! I love Rosie!

Whip, You should apply to be a writer on that show!