If I had a penny for every time I read "I work hard and I play hard" on an online dating profile...well, let's just say that I'd be able to afford name brand yogurt, shall we? How about handles like "debonair_iam?" You don't find those everyday, do you? Oh, that's right, yes you do. Here are the latest crop of dudes cruising me on the internet dating super highway. Vote for your favorite!
This guy says: "Laughter is my biggest character."
Um, actually? I think your 'stache is your biggest "character." And possibly your orange yellow rugby which in addition, I don't think you're sporting ironically.
2)This guy hails from Buffalo.
Hey, guy, I ordered "hot guy" not "hot wings," ok? Great.
Don't forget about this creepy fella! 'Cause hasn't forgotten about me, no siree!
No words for this. Not even the 12 I expended just now.
Why do you put yourself through this?
i want #2 to be my new dad. he may have chicken wings on him.
Doodle knows which side her wings are spiced.
#5 for me. He likes hats.
Number three spent an entire Saturday waiting on line at Sears to get just the right portrait and all you can say is, "creepy". For shame!
one cannot use laughter as a character description. he's the worst of the bunch for trying.
i pick #5, too. he's classy.
#4 looks like that Jeff Gannon-guy, that male prostitute-turned-right wing hack. Right up your alley, dontcha think?
Wow, mustaches sure are making a comeback!
I vote for #3 -- Nancy Grace would be talking about your disappearance within a matter of days.
Number 5, I say. Even if he's a jerk, you will get to see The Nutcracker for free this year, always a pricy ticket. Hopefully, you will get some better choices as time goes by.
Where's Lou when you need him?!
Mambo Number Five, baby!
I thought you said "debonair jam"
it was an interesting idea.
and I vote for #5
ballet it is.
he wins. not a date with me, but something.
I can't pick. It's tough. because they all look equally unattractive. Sorry! but I have to tell the truth, right?
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