Monday, October 02, 2006

Dear Cheap eBayers

I see you. I see you seeing my goods and just "watching" them. I'm watching you watch. And I think this: You're cheap.

I got axed from my job completely disrespectfully. This is why I'm listing my life on eBay for dirt cheap prices. And you're just watching? As it stands, a jacket, two vintage frocks, and kitschy kitcheny thingie are listed for a combined 35 beans. You don't think a dress listed for $5 is worth bidding on? Are you out of your cheap ass mind? Would you bid on it if it was listed for 99 cents? What about a nickel?

You're probably not even reading this. Too busy picking up pennies on the street and going through your sofa cushions for a "free" ball point pen.

Bite me.


newbluebaby said...

Will the dress fit me?

Teri said...

I agree with I love peppers. that's what I do when I want something and don't want to bid because I know I'll be outbid before it closes.

only the smart ones wait until the last minute and then pounce!

anne altman said...

bring it on, pouncers!
otherwise, a snug dress: SOLD! to the newbluebaby with the eye patch.

Bumpkyn said...

I read your postings and if I were a short skinny person I'd be all over your stuff!! Damn my tall, meaty frame!