Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Triple Play Package My Ass

The one thing they don't tell you about this Time Warner Cable Triple Play Package is that it's actually the Time Warner Cable Quadruple Play Package 'cause you not only get your digital phone, digital internet and digital cable but you're on the horn with Time Warner Customer Service so much that you want to shoot yourself in the fucking face! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

So far only 1/3 of the Triple Play Package is working, and that is this here internet on which I am communicating with you now. Far be it from me to communicate with you via digital telephone, because well, that shit ain't working, I just like to pay for the idea. Awesome considering that they cancelled my regular phone service in great anticipation of the Digital Revolution over a week ago. I'm not even a phone person and I must declare, this shit is totally annoying! He goes, "Are you calling from your home phone?" Jackass, I just told you that it doesn't work. How would I call you from it? And that HBO On Demand? Lies. I've got a couple of service technicians coming over to my house next week to prove it.


All this because I need to have my Robin Byrd.


Peter Matthes said...

That Spiderman bra is 20 years old if it's a day.

I want to know why they cancelled Ulgy George.

anne altman said...

Lie back, get comfortable, put on your rubbers and dental dams and scrub your teeth...Where's my lip gloss? Ok, so lie back, get comfortable, here's...

Busty Hearts!

Axinar said...

So you actually FELL for the cable-phone thing, eh???

[[Maniacal laughter]]

Didn't you ever read up on the difference between PACKET switched and CIRCUIT switched networks?

Or, going back to something a little older, am I going to have to start teaching ham radio classes again and bring you all up to speed on the difference between TELEGRAPHY and TELEPHONY??? :)

anne altman said...

sticks and stones will break my bones, but names will never hurt me. You heard, nerd?


Sharon Shiner said...

I am pissing in my pants that Robin Byrd is still on!

Damn, I wish I still lived in NYC...