Friday, May 05, 2006

Rich Are Hideous in Hats 2

Alright, alright, I promise to lighten up on the Hideous Rich for a moment. But first, let's take one last look before we put it away.

Again, these photos are from the New York Social Diary of the rich, powerful and obnoxious. These particular photos are from the Frederick Law Olmstead party (he's the dude that created Central Park) and the invite must have said some shit about hats.

The rich have always maintained for the most part closed and exclusive society, but of late, a handful of Jews and blacks seem to have peppered the scene. How benevolent! You mean they have the money to purchase the Benefactors Table sponsorship and you let them in anyway? How kind! But transvestites? Unheard of! Miss Purple Nurple seems to be enjoying herself in her resplendent regalia. One has to wonder if she has had the full operation, or if she's still sporting her cock and balls high and tight with duct tape. It's hard to say.


ms fits said...

Please don't lighten up on the Rich(TM). Those bitches are deserving (of an Altman roasting, or part thereof).

Susan said...

OMG that's a riot. Just like the crazy cat ladies who wear crazy hats.

Peter Matthes said...

I know deep down that these ladies lay awake at night worried about the starving children of Africa.

Then again ... we could poison the foie gras.